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   Line Labels:
       For line labels you simply write the name of the label and
       put a colon after it.  If a return is added then you can go
       back to where you called the gosub.
         msg 'Beginning of subroutine.'
         ask 'Do you wish to go back to the beginning? Y' dflt .t.
         if ask() 
            goto top
            gosub nextsub
            goto top 
          ask 'do you wish to go to first subroutine? N' dflt .f.
          if ask() 
            goto exit   

Commands: Commands are basic subroutines that perform a set of instructions. i.e. assigning variables values, etc. in TAS you must have a #udc or #udx for ability to use and define these in your program. EXAMPLE #udc top: msg 'This is the beginning of the program.' windows 'info' subr exit: quit cmd subr msg 'Inside the subroutine ' windows 'info' ret note: in pascal and c++ you have the ability to only reference the variables passed, and not change them from within the function. The values can be accessed and changed WITHIN the command, but after you leave they hold the old values.
Functions: Functions are defined much like the cmds are. There must be a #udf, or #udx in order to define and use them within your program. Advantages over pascal is that you do not have to define the return type. You may return any type field type. EXAPMLE define today type i define alpha type a define int type i define today type d size 8 define choose type a size 1 top: enter choose at 1,1 mask 'IAD' if choose = 'I' int = test_function(choose) else_if choose 'A' alpha = test_function(choose) else today = test_function(choose) endif exit: quit func test_function choose if choose = 'I' ret 213 else_if choose = 'A' ret 'Alpha was chosen' else ret date() endif ret
Control Structures: Control structures in TAS, Pascal, and C++ are essentially the same. TAS control structures are blocked off by the loop command and a type of end (endw) (ends) (next) etc.. TAS also has a control structure that is specialized for searching through files. Pascal and C++ don't really have that. EXAMPLES while a < b pmsg a at 12,12 a = a + 1 endw
scan @file_hndl KEY key_name START start_value \ &&next line WHILE conditional FOR conditional sexit_if condition_1 sloop_if condition_2 pfmt 7 ends
for (cntr;1;15;1) pmsg cntr at 1,cntr next
a = 3 b = 5 if a > b msg 'a is greater than b' windows 'info' else_if b > a msg 'b is greater than a' windows 'info' else &&a and b are equal msg 'they are equal!' windows 'info' endif
define what type i size 1 enter what at 1,1 select what case 1 msg 'What was one.' windows 'info' case 2 msg 'What was two.' windows 'info' case 3 msg 'What was three.' windows 'info' otherwise msg 'What was not one, two or three' windows 'info' endc
INPUTTING VALUES: In TAS there is a lot more power to inputting compared to Pascal and C++ In Tas there is the ability to mask, execute functions prior and post of input, optional helpkeys, and do validity checks all values entered, combined into one command, which allows the programmer to control input better, easier, faster, and without nearly as much code. EXAMPLE define TEST type a size 1 enter TEST up mask 'YN' pre setup_test() post clr_test() \ vld TEST <> '' vldm 'You must enter something' { ;inside these {} braces we can write functions that ; the compiler will never hit, unless it is called ; from elsewhere. ; when returning false from a pre-function it simply ; skips the input of that variable. and moves on to ; the next. If returning true, then you can now ; input the value as you normally would. func setup_test ask 'Would you like to enter this? (Y/N) N' dflt .f. if .n. ask() ret .f. && the input command will now be skipped. endif ret .t. func clr_test msg 'In post function, you may trap different keys' msg 'You may also do math or whatever you want ' ret .t. } ;This will force test into uppercase mask it to only ;Y and N, execute setup_test before allowed to enter, ;execute clr_Test after entered, and won't let you ;by if TEST is blank
Outputs: TAS has a various ways of doing an output. There's a pmsg, a msg, and an ask (ask is actually a function) Each of these have ways of controlling the output, unlike Pascal. EXAMPLE top: pmsg at 20,1 'This is a test' color 14 msg 'This is only a test' ask 'Is this a test' dflt .t. if ask() goto top
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