Mt Olympus view from our office Mar 28 2003
ADDSUM® technical support services

How to obtain support: (last updated Dec. 2020)
Remote software assistance for users not using some other method (assumes some prior arrangements have been made):


Latest version:

If one of the newer versions above (currently ver. 3670) does not run because .NET is not installed and you are not in a position to update .NET on this PC or for XP Pro, you can try the older version below.

Start older version

While usually not necessary, you may need to "run as administrator" to avoid authentication problems. In rare cases you may need to also temporarily disable your anti-virus software. If you are an Advanced Accounting 7i or 8 user, click on Help (across top menu bar at far right) then choose Remote assistance. Be sure that your Caps Lock key is not on. If you are an Adv 5.1 or prior user, if the software is running full screen either exit the software or press and hold ALT and then ENTER to place it into a window.

Troubleshooting remote software support (click on this heading to expand/collapse)

Enabling Control-Alt-Delete services on remote PC's
Most common issues causing a connection to prematurely close:
Authentication failed - run the addsumremotesupport.exe as administrator
Multiple ShowMyPC sessions are running or are stranded in memory
Anti-virus software - temporarily disable
Another application may be currently using VNC (if so, end)
Windows firewall may be blocking port 443/others (see below)

Troubleshooting Windows firewall issues
List of what might be Windows may be listening to on a given port:
netstat -ano
The PID can be matched to the PID in Process of TaskManager (click on View then Select columns to add PID if not there)
Other useful command line options:
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
Win 7/2008 Server:
netsh advfirewall firewall

Logging can also be enabled in the Windows Firewall, Advanced Settings
Pre Win 7:
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 80 “Open Port 80”
Win 7/2008 Server:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Open Port 80” dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
Support phone: 801-277-9240 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm MST)
(support at other times/days available by appointment)
Fax: 801-277-4220
Web: submit a technical support request
Support resources:
Addsum technical support memos
Show my IP address
Speed test
Web site load test
MX Lookup
Addsum FTP site for support related customer uploads/downloads
Products currently supported:
Advanced Accounting 3.x, 4.x, 5.0, 5.1x, 6, 6.1, 7i and 8 (we are the publisher of 6.1 and above)
TAS Professional 3.x, 4.x, 5.0, 5.1x, 6 (all Business Tools releases); and TAS-Professional 7, TAS Premier 7i and 7ix released by us.
Laundry-Trak® (all versions as released by Phoenix Scale starting with LT 5) for users who have not migrated to a LinenMaster product. We were the developer of Laundry-Trak® software on behalf of Phoenix Scale from 1997 to 2019 until it was sold to LinenMaster, and we have helped to continue to support it (via LinenMaster until March 2021) since that time.
Zen/Actian/Pervasive.SQL 2000i, V8, V9, V10, V11, v12, v13, v14 and v15 (primarily in the context of the above applications but also generally) and the related legacy Btrieve 5.10a (16-bit) and Btrieve 6.15 (32-bit) engines.
CodeBase embedded DBF client manager (formerly commercially published by Sequiter, Inc. from 1999 to 2015, and now open source)
Fees, policies and philosophies:
Support relating to third party software (or our own) packages is normally provided on a prepaid basis and either on a per call/incident or prepaid minute basis. See our Store page for available options and policies. Our rates especially for accounting software support are among the lowest in the industry, yet expert assistance is only a call or e-mail away.
We have been providing Advanced Accounting support (and programming) services to others since early 1994. Frequently we support customers on a long term basis (we have regularly supported a number of Advanced Accounting software customers, for example, for periods of in excess of twenty-six continuous years) and in some cases function almost as a de facto member of the customer's IT department. Or in other cases we serve as a contact with historical information that long survives turnover in the customer's staff, and can help fill in the knowledge gap that inevitably occurs. In short, we are loyal, long-term supporters of the customers for whom we provide support or custom programming services.
We also routinely provide support far beyond our "normal" office hours when it is necessary/required including almost any hour of the day, on weekends and holidays (advance arrangements required).
Training (for Advanced Accounting or TAS programming) is usually on a per person basis when provided at our office. In today's world, training can most cost effectively be provided using remote control software tools and usually to users located anywhere in the world. For on-site accounting software support in the U.S. (and in a number of other countries including Australia, Canada and eastern Africa), we have dealers/consultants who may either live nearby or who will travel to your location.
General consulting is provided either on a similar basis as support or on an hourly rate basis for customers with whom we work regularly and in connection with which prior arrangements have been established and credit terms approved. For these customers, technical support is also provided in connection with those existing, or historical, arrangements.

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All Rights Reserved