Mt. Olympus view from our offices June 19, 2011 ADDSUM® programming and other business software/technology services

As primarily a services oriented company (although we are also a commercial software publisher), we provide database driven custom programming and commercial software development services for others (along with related technical support and consulting) and in so doing specialize in a PC desktop computer programming language (TAS) and in a modifiable accounting system (Advanced Accounting) that is written in TAS and which we publish.

The end result of these services are applications deployed typically in small to large multi-user environment running today almost exclusively on Microsoft (and historically also on Novell and Lantastic) network operating system platforms and increasingly include gateways allowing for remote access (most commonly using Citrix and Terminal Server).

TAS is a fourth generation computer programming language (4GL) that is data dictionary driven and is ideal for multi-user PC applications. Typically we have had on staff (physically present in our office - we do not ever subcontract programming services) a half-dozen programmers highly skilled in TAS and several other languages. We have been actively and continuously programming in TAS since 1986, and have been providing Advanced Accounting support and programming services to others since early 1994. Our first web site was launched in March of 1996; 2021 marked our 25th year of having an on-line presence.


Addsum TAS programming services currently include:
Advanced Accounting 4.x, 5.0, 5.1x, 6.1x, 7i and 8 custom modifications (we have extensive experience with Advanced Accounting 3.x, Books 2.x, TAS-Books 2, etc. but no longer provide custom services for those versions unless they involve moving to a more current version)
Advanced Accounting software modification requests range from minor to extensive. Changed program functionality can be as simple as a single change to an invoice or check printing program to complex data entry programs broken out into a dozen separate internal programs. End users may be businesses with a single user or with under five users on a small Microsfot Windows network to corporations with hundreds of users and many locations. In 2008 we were still occasionally making modifications for users as old as 4.0, and still moving custom 3.0 users to the newest version. Extensive modifications range from an Advanced Accounting 5.0 user (and still using 5.0 in 2009) with some 45 plus completely custom programs (involving source code that initially could not be located and that we initially re-engineered) to a 5.1 user with over 375 new or changed programs and over 400 special utility programs written over an eight year period. For several users, we have made still been making changes to highly customized Advanced Accounting systems based on TAS 3.0 (including in 2022) and routinely support a number of highly customized Advanced Accounting 5.1 users.
Interface/middleware applications relating to Advanced Accounting versions above
Commercial software development for others
Completely custom in-house systems (these often involve "takeovers" where the prior programmer is for whatever reason no longer available)
DBA Software (now referred to as DBA Classic) 98.2-2004.1 custom modifications (we were a part of the DBA development team at one time and have at one time or another reviewed and modified all 600+ program options; we developed the EDI interface)
TAS 3.0 (or 4.0/5.0) data/dictionary conversions and re-programming to TAS 5.1 (for example, one project we completed in 2003 involved converting over 495 TAS 3.0 programs to TAS 5.1); programming services related to all legacy versions of TAS released by Business Tools, Inc. (particularly TAS 3.0 thru 6) and us (TAS Professional 7, now replaced by TAS Premier 7i).
TAS 5.1 to TAS 7i data/dictionary conversions and re-programming (we implemented the first in-house system using TAS 6 in March of 2001 and released the first TAS 5.1 to TAS 6 commercial system in the summer of 2001)
Developer of Laundry-Trak® software on behalf of Phoenix Scale from 1997 to 2019 until it was sold to LinenMaster, and we have helped to continue to support it since that time (via LinenMaster until their support of the product ended). Laundry-Trak started as a 16-bit program using TAS 3.0 that we moved first to TAS 5.x (also 16-bit) and then to the 32-bit TAS 6 and then finally to TAS 7 and 7i. In the last version (Laundry-Trak 7), there were 19 releases/updates from 2007 to 2019. In addition to an 'Express' spin-off version, in 2018 on behalf Phoenix Scale we also developed and released a version that solely used CodeBase (now open source) data files, and that started to be used by several users starting in late 2018/early 2019. We also designed, maintained, and updated the Laundry-Trak web site when it was being actively developed, and we also provided end user support and, for a number of, program customization ranging from minor to extensive.
We are the publisher of Addsum TAS Premier 7i (previously TAS Professional 7).
TAS (including Advanced Accounting) data conversion and data exchange services
We have assisted customers in innumerable ways in connection with importing data into TAS/Advanced Accounting or in exporting to (or accessing it with) other systems
Extensive experience moving Btrieve 5.10a and prior systems as well as Btrieve 6.15 systems to Pervasive 7/2000/2000i/8/9/10/11/12 and related issues (such as special utilities and procedures for the notes files and sales/purchase order line item and similar issues in Advanced Accounting)
Significant work with ODBC access and DDF generators (we also publish a DDF generator for Advanced Accounting/TAS)
Legacy including complex multi-company conversions (typically accomplished via remote control). Some examples relating moving systems to (or to newer) 32-bit versions follow:

In the spring of 2006 we assisted a customer in converting 60+ Advanced Accounting 5.1 companies into Advanced Accounting 6.1.

In December of 2009, for one tax/accounting provider we remotely converted 66 companies that existed in three different legacy versions (24 Advanced Accounting 3.0 companies in two different installations, 9 Advanced Accounting 4.0 companies and 33 Advanced Accounting 5.1 companies) into one combined Advanced Accounting 7i installation resulting in ultimately over 8,100 installed data files with 100% of the original data succesfully transferred.

In February of 2010, we upgraded a system we have been supporting since Oct. 1996 with custom data structures from a now over 13-year old Adv 5.1 version to the latest Adv 7i version including three archived companies and which is running on a 64-bit version of Pervasive 10 (SP3) on a Windows 2008 Server platform.

In July of 2011 we converted a user who had been continuously using the 5.1 version since December of 1996 (and who had not updated the 5.1 version since 1998) that makes extensive lengthy and multi-level use of the bills of material module and had accumulated a significant amount of data to the 7i version and with all of their data intact.

Also in July of 2011, we converted an Advanced Accounting 3.0 user (1989 vintage, and who had some third party program modifications in 1994 and had been using the software continuously and without any support or updates ever since) to the 7i version moving all of their data foward in connection with a system that was over 20 years old; for this user (as we would with any user with a version this old) we also ran additional utilities to resolve various century date issues.

In December of 2011 we converted a system that had been continuously using Advanced Accounting 5.1 since January of 1998 and that was still running on Windows 95. We provided pre-hardware consultation, they migrated to newer hardware and we remotely converted all of their 5.1 data into the 7i version.

In January of 2012, Advanced Accounting 5.1 users continued to migrate to the newer version (we still support the 5.1 version in any event). A user who had been using the 5.1 software since February of 1998 moved forward with the 7i version during the first week of the new year, and all of their 5.1 data was moved successfully into the 7i version. Custom programs were also moved into the newer version. A 5.1 user who was only using the payroll module and had been using the 5.1 version since March of 2005 was also fully converted to the 7i version including a custom timeclock import program.

In March of 2012, we converted a standard Advanced Accounting 5.1f multi-user system containing 28 companies to the Advanced Accounting 7i version. Windows 7 was already in use as the main host or gateway PC along with several Windows 7 and XP Pro clients. Four of the 28 companies were actively being used and the remaining 24 companies represented prior period archives. Every record in all 28 companies was brought into the 7i version. In performing a conversion like this and in coordination with IT staff or consultants, we often install the software remotely, assist with networking related chores including establishing network shares and other network performance enhancing settings, provide advice with respect to data backups anti-virus and related software exclusions, and we often also have access to other clients on the same network and assist in the client setup and testing. (We frequently do this as well in connection with providing support for PC/server migrations where we are sometimes asked to check the desktop of every PC on the network.)

In January of 2013, we successfully and without incident converted a 6.1 user's 94 companies (all contained in a single installation of the software) to 7i involving some new and restructured files totaling over 1,500 impacted data files on a multi-user Windows 7 system using the legacy 32-bit Btrieve 6.15 engine. Also in January of 2013, we assisted a user we have worked with since early 1997 in migrating their Adv 5.1 system running still on Windows 98 to Advanced Accounting 7i running on a completely 64-bit operating system based network consisting of Windows 8 as the gateway PC and Windows 7 and Windows Vista client PC's, and also assisted in setting up the folder sharing and network mapping and establishment of appropriate settings on all PC's including the Windows 8 gateway PC.

In 2014, after not having much reason to use TAS 3.0 for a number years, several TAS 3.0 users with custom business systems emerged, one of which we moved selected portions of into 7i, and for two other highly customized 3.0 systems, we provided consultation and programming.

Following a review of a complex completely custom system written in TAS 4.0 involving over 140 source files and having moved its data dictionary, data and source forward into a 7i environment in late 2014, by January 2015 we had converted all 140+ programs used in the system retaining them in a legacy format but now runnable from 64-bit operating systems and with Windows printing capabilities. These include menuing, data entry and reporting programs each one of which was individually reviewed and tested.

In December of 2015, we began the review of a custom 5.1 system that may ultimately have an accounting software interface, converted the data dictionary and four programs including one complex data entry program as well as a report program utilizing library files that we have developed over the years to handle certain RUN program and legacy printing issues.

In May of 2016, we migrated an Adv 5.1 user that we have worked with since 1995 to an all Windows 10 Pro network consisting of about five PC's and established settings to access the software on all of the PC's remotely.

In January of 2017, we converted an Adv 5.1 system that had been in continuous use since at least 1996, and that was still running on a Novell 3.4 server, to a Windows 7 Pro workgroup, including converting the data by running utilities on the Novell Server from an XP Pro client, and then using an intermediate PC to copy files to the Win 7 gateway PC, and finally completing the setup of the four-user Win 7 network remotely accessing all four PC's. The invoice line history file alone had nearly 850,000 records. And in February of 2017, we migrated another system where Advanced Accounting 5.1 had been used continuously for well over 20 years from an XP Pro gateway PC to a Windows 2008 Server.

In May of 2017, we converted a Books 2.04 (1988 version) user to Advanced Accounting 7i (running on Windows 10).

The first Adv 5.1 to Adv 8 conversion was completed successfully on Sept. 10, 2019 with all prior data converted to the newest version.

From December of 2019 to mainly February 2020 (and continuing to later in 2020), we developed a workaround for Adv 5.1 users that encountered the 1920-2019 short date problem and without making any changes to end user data (i.e. short dates remain short dates). Some Adv 5.1 users chose to update to the latest version of the software. But a number of users with in some cases extensive custom modifications were not ready to make that change and/or decided to remain on the Adv 5.1 version. The custom modified users had to be dealt with individually depending on what version of the Adv. 5.1 system they were on. In the course of doing that, we had a few users running standard 5.1 versions without custom modifications that wanted to remain on the 5.1 version, so we ended up making a standard version "2020 date fix" to some 60+ programs. All prior Adv 5.1 updates must be first installed (there were at least eight major releases from 1999 to 2007 - see Advanced Accounting 5.1 updates for more information).

In 2020, working with one of the highly customized Adv 5.1 users, we implemented socket calls to a cloud-based service management program using a combination of both Adv/TAS 5.1, TAS Premier 7i, and Delphi DLL's.

By the end of 2020, we completed a complex data conversion (along with custom programming changes) for a highly customized Adv/TAS 3.0 user, incorporating mission critical program logic into the Adv 8 version and moving all TAS 3.0 data to Adv 8 for further testing, with the system to go live in 2021).
Combining separate end user installations into a single merged company installation. Extensive experience involving relatively large (over 2 gigs) database files and merging data from two, three, four or more companies into a single unified installation whereby multiple companies are combined into one company dataset.
Custom data structure changes whether in generic TAS or related to Advanced Accounting and moving data from all prior versions to more current versions
Integrating TAS/Advanced Accounting data with web applications (for example, inventory updating, web orders to sales order creation, customer-web account and marketing synchronization, MySQL and Microsoft SQL integration)
Moving data from DBA Classic or Evo-ERP to Advanced Accounting (primarily when the user has mainly distribution needs and where light manufacturing support is at the most required; DBA Classic/Evo-ERP is a better fit for users with true manufacturing/MRP needs in comparison to Advanced Accounting)

Web site development/Internet related services

We routinely perform a considerable amount of web, consulting and related work for ourselves, clients and as a contribution to 501(c)(3) organizations.
HTML coding in all flavors
Digital editing (considerable experience), site layout and design
E-commerce consulting, web store interfaces
FTP integration
Bank site integration, PGP, Positive Pay applications
Perl scripts
Submit and related forms incorporating the above
Contact us for more information and examples of sites we have designed and maintain.


Since 2004 we have extensively used Borland's* Delphi as an in-house tool for developing/supporting Addsum TAS Premier 7i, and in connection with numerous standalone executables for use with Advanced Accounting 5.1 and later versions including Advanced Accounting 7i and 8 published by us, as well as in connection with special tasks such as reading/writing to Microsoft SQL and MySQL files, maintaining registry keys in Windows, running scheduled tasks from a PC's task bar and much more. Our experience is primarily with Delphi 7 (including JEDI VCL, ReportBuilder, and Indy and many other components), and also with XE2. In 2014 we made significant enhancements to our SqlQuery.exe tool written in Delphi. By mid-2015 we started to also use XE7 to parse JSON responses (although we have also used Delphi 7 for that purpose) and to take advantage of other newer features.

Using Delphi we have also created DLL's for special circumstances including web socket calls that are directly called from the TAS/Advanced Accounting environment.

In April of 2021 we were able to migrate the entire TAS Premier (formerly TAS Professional) development system to run under a 64-bit operating system for the first time. The development system consists of numerous plug-ins and third party add-ons and involves a complex web of directory paths and overall hundreds, if not thousands, of files. There were numerous challenges but we are now able to compile executables under Windows 10 using the same development tools and source code, which will be used as a secondary development environment. We previously only had working 32-bit PC's as backups to our primary system.

(*Borland created a subsidiary company called CodeGear in 2006 to maintain Delphi and then later sold CodeGear to Embarcadero Technologies in 2008.)


Clarion is an excellent 4GL application. Since late 1997 we have used it in conjunction with developing custom applications for others (one application deployed in 2002 and still in active use involved bar code recognization and printing and importing data from a legacy application completely unrelated to any of our supported/published software; another integrated an e-commerce application with a third party accounting application) as well as a large number of in-house projects. Our experience has been with template and hand coded applications using Clarion 2, 4, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0. (Previously published by Topspeed, Clarion is now published by SoftVelocity.) In early 2014, we used Clarion 6 to update several complex hand coded report layouts and related programs.

Software and hardware devices

We have worked with a number of software-hardware devices over the years and have developed programs for use with:
Serially connected devices - we have extensive experience connecting with industrial scale indicators, pole displays, serial printers using MPCL (Monarch/Paxar 9800 series printers), cash drawers, and modem transfer. Software used to connect with these devices have included Clarion (CLACom), Delphi (various) and TAS (5.1, 6.x and 7i).
Time card/clock machines - data exchange interfaces, multiple languages.
Hand held devices - many different kinds, data exchange interfaces, multiple languages.
Signature capture - Topaz series using ActiveX controls and Delphi.
Credit card devices via OCX controls called by a custom built DLL

Other areas of expertise

The most effective computer programmer will always be the person who (1) is an expert in using the desired database programming tool and who also (2) expertly understands the subject matter and required procedures. Usually there is no one person that meets either criteria much less both of them. Usually the project cannot even be attempted without (1), but it will often fail without proper input from those who understand the subject matter. In connection with many projects, the programmer can be brought up enough to speed so that (2) becomes less of an issue, but item (2) is too often overlooked and end user programming specifications and proper programming specifications are often skipped or performed in a cursory way leading to less than optimal results. We have acquired specific knowledge in a number of areas and industries that often allow us to provide additional value to a project including:
EDI and typical sales order/purchase order data exchange issues; UCC label and related compliance;
ISO-9001 compliance;
PCI DSS compliance and safe credit card storage practices;
Credit card processing integration from desktop systems (two different systems);
Generally accepted accounting practices; identifying issues where CPA or tax attorney level input/advice may be advisable;
Internal control and audit tracking controls;
Legal considerations and identifying issues where attorney input/advice may be advisable;
Human resource issues and related management principles;
IRS documentation requirements;
IRS and state e-filing requirements (electronic filings, W-2's, state SUTA requirements for large employers, etc.)
U.S. and Canadian sales tax requirements;
Help authoring and commercial desktop software installation;
Automotive part systems including Partslink integration, year/make/model integration, warehousing, bar coding, call tracking;
Windows PC/networking issues and procedures and multi-user system issues
Federal/state W-2/W-3 e-filing integration
Web API integration involving sales taxes, GPS tracking, making "http" calls for a variety of reasons including making MySQL and MS SQL database updates, and integration with applications like GPS Insight, Trello and FieldAware.
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