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Addsum Advanced Accounting Credit Card Authorization Interface

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Integrate credit card processing with your Advanced Accounting software
Take your business accounting software to a new level by securely authorizing credit card transactions in a completely integrated fashion from within Advanced Accounting. This interface provides your business with the perfect low cost solution to handling credit cards whether presented in person, by phone, via the web or some other manner.
How it works
Directly from Advanced Accounting's Enter/Change Sales Orders (SO-A), Invoice Posting (SO-G or via sales order entry/invoice printing), Record Payments/Apply Credits (AR-C), or Run POS (Point of Sale) Register (POS-A) options, a credit card authorization can be initiated (with full address/zip code/CVV2 verification if needed). The authorization request can be potentially made from any PC (advance setup per PC however is required; remote desktop connections are also supported) on your network and typically takes only a few seconds. If authorized, an optional receipt (full size and reduced width thermal size available) can be printed automatically to your default printer or to the printer of your choice.
Credit cards authorized through point of sale module are then processed as payments and posted in the normal way. Credit cards authorized through the AR-C are processed as any other payment and upon indication that it is a credit card type and that the user wants to authorize a credit card (the payment processing in AR-C will not complete after clicking on Save if the card is not authorized for the payment amount). Credit cards authorized thru SO-A are processed "as if" handled through the AR-C program for non-cash term types but without requiring the user to have full access to that option; payments are made to the customer's account and deposited into a checking account specified in this credit card setup option (the end user does not select the account when authorizing from SO-A); the payment is not applied towards any specific invoice but rather becomes a payment on account that a user can later apply to the appropriate invoice(s) thru normal AR-C processing. Or, for fully integrated cash terms processing through sales orders, users can enter orders, print the invoice, authorize the credit card and post all in one step and without any further action required (with all general ledger and payment entries automatically recorded).
Credit card amounts are deposited directly to your bank account after settlement. All funds are deposited into the bank of your choice (no changes are required nor needed with respect to your existing bank accounts). A new merchant account is required (although you are free to retain any existing merchant account for other use) which can be established within 24 hrs. No contract or commitment period required. Personalized telephone or e-mail service from a representative located in the United States is at all times available. It is normal with all credit card processing for a a small delay to occur from the time of settlement until the deposit appears in your bank account.
Card transactions are authorized via a secure TCP/IP connection. The authorizing PC (or server that is being remotely connected to) needs to have Internet access.
Benefits and costs
There is no charge for the Addsum Advanced Accounting credit card authorization software. In fact, there is no charge for any locally installed software beyond the software required to run Advanced Accounting.
Minimal setup (typically $25.00) and nominal monthly processor fees (e.g. $12/mo) for your merchant account is established through ChargeItPro (not through us). And those fees are usually paid via ACH via the same bank account that credit card amounts are deposited to. ChargeItPro provides free setup and support for the separate ChargeItPro installation (in connection with which we can also assist).
  • No equipment of any kind is required for card not present/manually entered transactions.
  • Reduces/eliminates data entry errors
  • Completely integrated: successful authorization leads to the automatic recording of all the appropriate customer and general ledger entries within the accounting software. Cards can be authorized from four different places (sales order, record payments, two places in POS) in the accounting software, completely integrated without any other external processing required.
  • Automatic settlement.
  • The ChargeItPro web portal can be used separately/apart from the accounting software to handle special situations.
  • Print credit card receipt directly from accounting software.
  • Manual or swiped entry.
  • Support for CVV and street/zip verification.
  • Process all major credit cards (and debit cards with a credit card logo).
  • Debit card processing (card present transactions/with required PIN entry) fully supported (as of Dec. 2017)
  • Single or multi-user - unlimited multi-user capability without any additional charges.
  • Transaction reporting available from within the ChargeItPro portal; an audit trail of approved transactions is also maintained within the accounting software.
  • PCI DSS compliant with full EMV support (for card present transactions) (as of Dec. 2017)
  • Card refund can be issued directly from within software, completely integrated with the accounting system (as of Dec. 2017); ability to issue refunds can be restriced to certain PC's or disallowed entirely.
  • Credit card details can be saved in advance for later use without an authorized or pre-authorization
  • Credit cards used to authorize prior transactions for a given customer can be retrieved and reused
  • Full pre-authorization support available directly from within the accounting software (added in January of 2021)
  • Different devices attached to different PC's on the same network can be supported
More benefits
ChargeItPro is always current with latest technology
Security updates occur in the credit card processing industry that require merchants to purchase or lease new terminals in order to remain current. If merchants don't remain current they are subjected to higher processing costs
Integration Eliminates the Chance for Fraud or Error Due to Double Entry
With the credit card interface, no re-keying of the sales amount is required. The amount tendered in the accounting software is exactly what is authorized. This integration virtually eliminates the chance for fraud or error.
Integration Provides a One-to-One Audit Trail
Every credit card transaction has a corresponding transaction within both the web portal and the accounting software. This saves your staff considerable time when evaluating batch reports.
No counter space necessarily required
Counter space is always at a premium. The credit card authorization software is fully integrated into your accounting software system.
Integration with your web processing payment gateway
Your ChargeItPro merchant account can link to web payment gateways (such as Authorize.Net or USAePay). This means one merchant account can be used both for e-commerce as well as for on-premises or other credit card processing needs.
Card approval speed is fast
Credit card transactions are authorized in a few seconds easing the congestion that can crowd your front office and reducing waiting time for your customers at checkout (whether in person or over the phone).
Easy for your staff
Your employees simply tender the sale normally through the Addsum integrated authorization screen and then input or swipe the customer's credit card. Your employees never need to leave their PC.
The receipt works the way you want it to
No longer will you have to issue a separate credit card receipt if you do not want to.
The ChargeItPro web portal can print meaningful management reports and analystical tools, allowing daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and user defined time period reporting.
Mobile credit card authorization options are available
Advanced Accounting 7i rel 8a with the Addsum Credit card interface (we will install at no charge and there is no charge for the interface itself) or Advanced Accounting 8 (all releases) and above.
Windows 7 Pro or above including Windows 10 with Internet connectivity
For a demonstration, simply call Addsum at 800-648-6258 and we will arrange for you to see an actual authorization session from your PC's browser.
Get Started
Call us with any initial questions you might have at 800-648-6258 (or start a web site chat, or send us an e-mail). The next step is to have a ChargeItPro representative conduct an analysis and answer any additional questions you might have. We can have them contact you; or, you can contact them by phone directly or request that they contact you by following this link:
Program Operation
Operation of the credit card authorization screen is largely intuitive and self-explanatory. Required fields are user defined in the ChargeItPro setup (accessed with the accounting software from SY-M).
Credit card, expiration date and CVC2/CVV2/CID (or generically "CVV") code entry: these are no longer entered in Advanced Accounting but solely in the PCI compliant ChargeItPro screen; in that screen you can also swipe a card. Swiped transactions are generally associated with a lower discount rate than manually entered card ("card not present"). The ChargeItPro interface supports many different types of devices including of course EMV support.
If you are processing debit cards, these can be enabled via the Credit/Debit option in the ChargeItPro setup.
Tokenized transactions: since the full card number cannot be locally stored, when transactions are approved, a transaction ID or "token" is generated that we can save along with the last digits of the card and the expiration date (which can be properly saved for later reference). The card authorization screen has a lookup for prior approved transactions for that customer whereby a prior used card can be selected as along as the expiration date is still valid. In initiating a "tokenized" transaction, clicking on the "Authorization" button immediately proceeds with processing the transaction without any intervening screen.
Note that CVC2/CVV2/CID codes can never be saved and so are also not saved in the accounting software nor in ChargeItPro. They should not be saved locally on your system in some other way either. CVV2 codes solely relate to security and do not affect the discount rate.
Authorizing a card: Click on "Authorize" to proceed to authorize the card. The Authorization Response section will provide the response from the ChargeItPro. If the card is authorized and you have elected to print a receipt, the receipt will either immediately print, be previewed on your screen or you will choose the desired printer from a standard Window printer dialog box. Then you will be able to see the authorization response details after which you click on the "Done" button to return to the point where you initiated the authorization. If you have not elected to print a receipt or if the credit card is not authorized, you will be able to see the authorization response and either click on Exit (if the card was not authorized) or Done (if the card was authorized).

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