Technical support memos


May 28, 1997
Using job cost time cards and payroll
Advanced Accounting (all versions)
Tony Frates (Copyright 1997 Addsum Business Software, Inc.)

Starting with version 5.1, job cost became a standard feature. Beginning with version 5.0, the payroll system contained a time card feature. Time cards are similar to job cost time cards except that can only be accessed for data entry while in payroll option B and further, a job code cannot be entered for each line item.

Users have to decide whether they are going to use job cost time cards or payroll time cards. If job cost time cards are used, the information can still be fed into the payroll system. In the job cost configuration set the "automatically post to job" field to "Y" and set the "use time card entry but not payroll" to "N."

With the above configuration settings, when you process a payroll, the time card information entered via job cost will be brought in as time card hours (you need to make sure that federal overtime or other policy requirements are being met as the time card entry does not check for overtime qualification) although as noted above you do not want to make any changes to time card hours when in the payroll program when using job cost time cards. When payroll checks are posted, amounts will then be posted to jobs.

If you have been using job cost time cards but have not set-up your system in the foregoing manner, you may need to go into option "C" under job cost and select the CTL-P option to post transactions to post previously entered items.

The only "drawback" to the approach above is the items will not be posted to a job until a payroll check is processed, i.e. the costs can't be posted any earlier if you want the time card hours to appear on the payroll side. This issue of timing should be kept in mind when running job cost reports.

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